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What type of eggs are the healthiest?

Writer's picture: Dr. BayDr. Bay

Eggs are highly nutritious, but did you know that the nutritional value of an egg can vary significantly depending on the chicken it came from & the life it lead? .

Studies show that pasture raised hens (which are able to eat their natural diet & aren't confined to a cage) produce healthier eggs! They’re higher in anti-inflammatory omega 3's, vitamins A, D, E & tended to be lower in saturated fat. . .

Know your terms: .

Organic: These chickens are raised without hormones & receive organic feed, but remember, chickens aren't supposed to eat grains, which may be the "organic feed" mentioned. .

Omega-3 Enriched: This term SOUNDS good, right? It actually just means that the feed used was enriched with omega-3 rich sources, such as flax seeds. .

Cage-Free: Although hens are given more than 1 sq ft of space, they are typically still kept indoors. . Free Range: These chickens are typically given a little more space than "cage-free" hens, but still only about 2 sq ft per chicken. These chickens are still typically fed grain & may not get to go outside. . .

Conventional: These chickens are caged & don't have access to pasture. Some of these hens don't even see the sun. They are fed grain feed (typically soy or corn) that typically must be enriched with vitamins, since this is not the natural food chickens are meant to eat. .

Pastured-Raised: To be deemed a pasture raised chicken, these hens must have 108 sq feet each. They do consume the usual chicken diet of bugs and grubs, which comes along with access to pasture. .

Non-GMO: All this means is the chickens were not fed genetically modified feed (typically soy or corn). It doesn't mean they were fed their natural diet, just that the feed was non-GMO. .

Certified Humane: This means these hens were able to roam around during the day and act like chickens. This is preferable since conventional eggs are kept in tiny cages & are not able to act like normal chickens that socialize, feed, get their natural exercise & diet. Just like humans, when chickens are fed food they aren’t meant to eat, it promotes chronic disease, causes changes in the actual makeup of the chicken & the eggs they lay.


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