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Writer's pictureDr. Bay


GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are organisms whose genetic material has been altered by the use of genetic engineering. This is relatively new, with the first GMO crops showing up in the mid 1990s.

There are many arguments against the use of GMO crops: First off, the genes from GMO crops end up passing into other members of the same species of plant and can pollute nature with artificial genes through natural plant interactions. I'm sure many of you have heard of Monsanto manipulating this issue into an opportunity to sue innocent non-GMO farmers experiencing this uncontrollable contamination with their own crops.

When creating GMO crops, scientists can take genes from completely different organisms and splice them into another organism. Maybe some of you remember the attempt at transferring a flounder gene into tomatoes to help them survive lower temperatures. GMO gene splicing techniques present problems with potential new allergens and more. We don't have long term studies on how GMO crops influence human health.

Did you know GMO genes from the GMO food you consume can actually be transferred into the DNA of the bacteria colonizing your GI tract? Again, we have no idea how this will impact health.

These artificial GMO genes can mutate in completely unknown ways and there is no telling how this will influence nature. No one knows how these GMO genes will impact other species such as birds, insects, humans and even micro organisms. But once contamination occurs, it's forever and there is no going back. One thing we do know that is a result of GMO crops, is the emergence of antibiotic resistant genes and GMO resistant weeds called "super weeds". The need for herbicide use has actually increased since introducing GMO crops due to this.

As a consumer, you have the power of choice! Demand non-GMO food!


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